Fraud Warning

Beware of Fraud: Protect Yourself while Trading

Fraud Warning

Protect Your Finances: Stay Vigilant and Verify Identities to Prevent Fraud.

The following information is provided to help members of the public protect themselves against fraudulent activity involving institutions or individuals claiming to represent, or offer products or services on behalf of, Orbin Markets or its affiliates.

Orbin Markets employees do not conduct business via social media platforms (such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Instagram or Twitter). Rather, Orbin Markets employees only use email managed through Orbin Markets registered domains. Under no circumstances would Orbin Markets and its employees initiate social media messages or emails from public email systems requesting individuals to disclose or confirm their confidential or personal information such as account details or passwords.

Furthermore, if you are contacted by individuals or institutions purporting to be from Orbin Markets, claiming to offer financial services, trading services, loans, requesting monetary deposits, or requesting information such as your account details, personal information or passwords, you should proceed with caution since these individuals or institutions may be engaging in fraud or identity theft. Accordingly, you should validate the relevant individuals or institutions identity before taking any further action including, without limitation, transferring funds or disclosing any information. If you believe that such persons are engaged in fraud or identity theft, you should report them to